Renowned U.S.-based, Japanese-born actress Eru Gibson, known for her expertise in science writing and as the editor-in-chief of the French magazine danran, introduces an original manga: Recycled Brain. Created by the prolific Takahiro Yonemura, Recycled Brain combines high-stakes science fiction with fantasy elements, offering a captivating and thought-provoking narrative that stands apart from typical action or romance genres.
Eru remarked:
“You may remember the Hollywood strike and concerns about AI replacing human jobs. But we can use technology for good. Just as security cameras replaced castle guards, drones now deliver supplies to disaster areas. Recycled Brain is not an unrealistic fairy tale. The protagonist, Hayate Yamano, works with a dragon named Vine. Technology, used ethically, can move us forward.”
This introduction effectively captures the manga’s relevance, addressing contemporary concerns about technology and automation. Recycled Brain goes beyond the usual “good versus evil” trope, offering a nuanced exploration of the moral dilemmas posed by scientific advancement. It examines both the potential benefits and risks of unchecked technological ambition without resorting to utopian idealism.
The relationship between Hayate and Vine, a sentient dragon, metaphorically mirrors the challenges of navigating ethical concerns in technological evolution. Just as drones are used for humanitarian aid, the manga portrays technology as a tool that can be wielded for both good and ill, dependent on its ethical use.
The story emphasizes the importance of ethics, highlighted by a pivotal line from the manga:
“I am a parent, not a keeper!” This simple but powerful statement raises significant moral questions about creating and nurturing artificial life forms. Recycled Brain isn’t just an adventure; it’s a thought-provoking exploration of our responsibilities in an increasingly complex technological world.
The artwork complements the profound themes, blending exotic creatures and stunning landscapes with contemporary urban settings. The action sequences are thrilling, and the quieter moments of character development provide emotional depth. While the plot unfolds with exciting twists, the core themes of responsibility, knowledge, and interspecies connections remain at the forefront, creating an engaging and unforgettable narrative.
A Message from the Author
Yonemura offers a brief yet powerful statement:
“This work is a passion project, blending science and storytelling to the fullest. We look forward to welcoming you inside this visual novel.”
This reflects the essence of Recycled Brain, a labor of love showcasing Yonemura’s commitment to both narrative and scientific accuracy.
About the Author, Takahiro Yonemura
Yonemura, a Tokyo-based creator with a Doctor of Engineering degree from Kindai University, has published 67 works spanning technical books, science fiction, and articles. His passion for dragons is evident in his study of AI and works like The Metallic Dragon and I, and Beast Code. His diverse career lends authenticity to the scientific and ethical issues explored in Recycled Brain.
Recycled Brain is more than an engaging manga; it is an immersive, intellectually stimulating experience. The timely themes, stunning artwork, and intricate plot make it essential reading for fans of science fiction, fantasy, and discussions about the ethical implications of technological advancement. It’s a page-turner that leaves a lasting impact.