In addition to making eLearning sustainable, electronic books or eBooks enable enterprises to support self-paced learning. The on-demand access to eBooks makes it easier for working professionals to acquire knowledge and hone skills after working hours. EBooks help them understand a topic or concept deeply by combining textual content with images and pictures.
Additionally, a learner can watch educational videos by clicking on the hyperlink embedded in an eBook. EBook library software makes it easier for organizations to train, upskill, and reskill employees by enabling access to a wide range of electronic books. However, eBook library solutions differ from each other in many categories.
For instance, cloud-based digital library platforms are easier to implement, customize, and integrate than on-premise software. Likewise, some eBook library software keeps learners engaged by providing gamification features. Hence, training managers can choose and implement the best eBook library software by considering some essential features and functionalities as criteria.
11 Criteria Training Managers Must Consider to Select the Best eBook Library Software
1. Multi-format Content
While shortlisting eBook libraries, training managers must keep in mind the surge in demand for educational videos and podcasts. Hence, they must enable each learner to acquire knowledge in his preferred ways – watching educational videos, reading eBooks, and listening to podcasts. Hence, the best eBook library platforms these days provide access to an eLearning content repository consisting of eBooks, videos, audio, journals, simulations, and quizzes.
- Curated Content
Industry trends and technology trends change at frequent intervals. While planning training and development programs, managers must focus on making employees familiar with emerging industry trends and top technology trends. Hence, they need to ensure that employees can access high-quality content gathered from external sources. The best eBook library software shares curated content with employees. Leading eBook library platforms further gather relevant and high-quality content from external sources using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
- Multiple Language Support
Most enterprises these days operate in a global environment. In addition to hiring remote workers, they make employees work offsite. While implementing eLearning, training managers must focus on reskilling and upskilling different categories of employees – office, offsite, and remote. Also, they should create opportunities for remote workers to access eLearning content in native languages. It becomes easier for managers to train a global workforce when the eBook library software supports multiple languages.
- Assessments and Tests
In addition to facilitating on-demand access to eLearning content, training managers must monitor and evaluate the performance of learners regularly. That is why they need digital library software that provides access to a repository of basic and advanced questions. At the same time, they should check if the software enables employees to acquire and retain knowledge by taking quizzes.
- Content Mapping
Training managers train, reskill, and upskill employees by running multiple employee training and development programs – onboarding, marketing, sales, compliance, leadership, technical, and diversity. They need to ensure that each employee can access relevant eBooks aligned to specific training programs. That is why; they should check how to make content plans and map content to individual training programs using the eBook library software.
- Search Interface
While accessing the eBook library software, employees can access recommended and curated content according to specific training programs. However, the software must help them gather additional information related to a topic or subject by accessing relevant and related eBooks in seconds. That is why; training managers should choose eBook library platforms that feature simple and intuitive search interfaces.
- Mobile UX
According to Statista, a large percentage of learners read eBooks on smartphones and tablets. Likewise, a surge is being noticed in the demand for free eBook reader apps for Android and iOS devices. Hence, training managers must check if each employee can access and read eBooks on demand using his choice of mobile device. However, he should ensure employees can access the software seamlessly using desktops, laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
- Gamification Features
It becomes easier for training managers to increase online course completion rates when the eBook library platform keeps employees engaged. Leading eBook library platforms these days keep learners engaged using gamification features. These gamification features are essential to motivate employees to hone and improve skills after working hours. Hence, training managers should check if the software comes with popular gamification features like badges and virtual coins.
- Integration APIs
While implementing eLearning, training managers should focus on building a unified learning management. It becomes easier for them to form an integrated learning platform when the eBook library solution can be integrated with learning management systems, online classroom software, and other eLearning tools. Training managers should prioritize cloud-based eBook library software that can be integrated with other eLearning tools using application programming interfaces (APIs).
- 24/7 Tech Support
Organizations these days opt for cloud-based tech tools to curb the resources required to implement, customize, maintain, and scale the software. However, they can make the most out of the software only by managing cloud downtime proactively. That is why; training managers must check if the eBook library software provides 24/7 tech support. Also, they can contact a customer support executive directly using commonly used channels like telephone, emails, and chats.
- Recognition and Awards
Prestigious eLearning awards recognize and highlight edtech tools that stand out from the crowd. While shortlisting eBook library platforms, training managers must not forget to check if the software has won prestigious eLearning awards. Additionally, they should check if the software is provided by an ISO-certified company. The awards and recognitions will help them identify some of the best eBook library software.
The best eBook library software boosts enterprise eLearning by facilitating self-paced learning and fostering learner engagement. However, training managers must ensure that software delivers optimal user experience across devices and platforms. Also, they should prioritize software that provides curated content and recommends relevant eBooks using intelligence technologies.
About Mintbook
Mintbook has launched a unified learning platform by integrating digital library software, an LMS system, and online classroom software. The integration enables learners to access eLearning content seamlessly in multiple formats, including eBooks. The integrated platform helps enterprises eliminate the need to implement and integrate individual eLearning tools.