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How to Avoid Plagiarism? A Few Easy Tips

Plagiarism has been there since ages, but now it is listed as a crime. Many don’t understand why Plagiarism is an offence and ways to avoid it. In simple terms, you can say that copy pasting other people’s work or stealing others ideas stating to be your own is plagiarism.

It is an ethical offence thus even unknowingly you shouldn’t do it otherwise you may be expelled from your job, college or can face legal action. There are many ways to adapt to avoid plagiarism. The apps service will help to rewrite a text online without any fear of stealing others intellectual works. The anti plagiarism tools detect plagiarism and even aid in rewriting the text without duplicating others words. Some apps services provide rewriting a text for free like Paraphraz.it. You can use their service to be safe from plagiarizing others written text.

It is natural that when you are formatting any thesis paper or completing a writing assignment there is a need to look for references. You accidently or unknowingly copy some words that you feel is quite effective for readers to understand your context. Unfortunately, you are duplicating someone else’s written text that needs to be avoided.

Here is how you can avoid plagiarism:

  • You need to list the sources of references. To give them their due credit can add the sources information and the author’s name in the in-text citation.
  • You can read their written text and creatively rewrite the idea in your own words. Plagiarism checker can be used to avoid any unknowingly copied words.
  • You can use free apps that are designed to rewrite a text without plagiarizing the original words, phrases or quotes.

Today, you can avoid copying from blogs, texts or messages by using plagiarism detecting tools and assisted by rewriting text apps services with ease. The rewriting text apps are the best helping hand to avoid plagiarism and to show the originality in a short time. You don’t have to worry about committing any offence or have the feeling of stealing others creative works.